9 Reasons a Career in Logistics Sales and Marketing Is For You

Although the rise and fall of unemployment rates and inflation have negatively impacted many sectors, some industries continue to flourish. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: “Employment of logisticians is projected to grow 30% from 2020 to 2030, much faster than the average for all occupations.” Within the sectors hiring logisticians, there are fewer industries with higher job security than the supply chain.
Just as the supply chain covers transportation of goods from end-to-end, a career in logistics sales involve the relationship-building required between shippers and carriers to transport those items efficiently and effectively. But how does one know if they have what it takes when they don’t even know how to be successful in logistics sales? Look no further.
Although many working-class members understand that much of the high school experience isn’t applicable in the “real world,” the ability to be a team player is vital for successful logistics sales. Because a sales deal in the supply chain involves multiple layers of transportation modes and operation methods, employees are often required to work with other departments throughout the agreement.
When considering how to be successful in logistics sales, time is of the essence. A load of Valentine's Day flowers needs to be transferred from the dock to a reefer quickly to maintain product quality, and freight brokerages are the ones making that happen. People seeking a career in logistics sales must be considerate of time constraints.
When functioning as designed, the supply chain is constantly moving forward to get products closer to their end destination at the right time. This creates a fast-paced and competitive market among freight brokerages and 3PLs to close deals quickly and perform excellent customer service along the way. A prospective logistics sales team member should be able to excel under this challenge.
When asking what qualities measure how to be successful in logistics sales, the ability to discourse is one of the most critical. Cold callers understand that long phone calls create more opportunities to advance and close deals. Engaging a prospect in a mutually enjoyable, educational conversation inspires curiosity toward further interactions.
The difference between an obnoxious and welcome salesperson is their ability to listen for underlying motivations in purchase and transport. Those who ask thoughtful questions in their daily life can leverage that inquisitive nature in logistics sales to discover opinions and needs that can be the difference between a closed prospect and the beginning of a faithful partnership.
Individuals who have spent time in the marketing and business collegiate world will have few issues learning how to be successful in logistics sales. Studying communications, finance, and sales psychologies better equips supply chain logisticians to sell a service to diverse customers with even more varying needs.
Amidst the pandemic, the adoption of logistics technology has flourished in the supply chain, an industry traditionally mired in manual processes and paper trails. Shippers, carriers, and brokers utilize TMS, RPA, and IoT-compatible hardware to achieve real-time shipment visibility. The technological needs and solutions continue to expand, especially as supply chain professionals across the aisle work together to minimize the present-day supply chain backlog.
While supply chain logistics sales may seem like a narrow business focus, it is nothing of the sort. The average freight broker salary is competitive and offers opportunities to expand amidst experience, specialization of certain types of freight, and, frankly, entering the field at just the right time.
Those who have mastered how to be successful in logistics sales know that much of it involves using critical thinking skills to overcome obstacles. By being well versed, flexible, and mentally present, logistics salespeople can be available for creative problem-solving and achieving sustainability goals.
For those who have felt pricked and want to seriously consider a career in supply chain logistics sales and marketing, the next step is to consider the characteristics of effective freight broker companies. Edge Logistics has made it their aim to cultivate the best employees who can provide their customers with an engaging experience that efficiently takes care of their freight needs. Take the next best step for your career and apply now.
About the Author
Pamela Nebiu
Pamela is the Senior Marketing Manager at Edge Logistics. She has a Bachelors of Arts from DePaul University in Public Relations and Advertising with a minor in Photography. Pamela is responsible for overseeing advertising, marketing, press, and social media related to Edge.